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miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010



Comenius Meeting Hanau, Dec. 1st to Dec. 5th, 2010

1. Preparations for the Meeting in Valencia: 30th March to 3rd April

Approximate number of students and teachers:
Sweden 5 students, 3 teachers
Germany 5–7 students, 3 teachers
France 5 teachers, 10 students
Denmark 4 teachers, 5 students

Spain: European map of areas endangered by climatic change
⇨ everybody is to send info to Pilar

Germany: Video on DVD with all interviews conducted on 2nd December in Hanau

Everybody: Video with interviews made with former Comenius students to be prepared for the meeting in Valencia

Everybody: Prepare questions for a member of the European Parliament on the future of the EC and the Euro. Pilar will try to make the contacts with Andres Perelló.

Everybody: Prepare a “before and after” analysis of the Comenius project

2. Ideas for a new project

Prospective participants (decisions to be made before end of February):
Sweden, but depends on interest among teachers

Possibly new participant from Bulgaria (has made contact with Thierry)
Finland has signalled interest

Possible topics:

Sandy’s proposal

Students’ proposal: drug addiction/ addiction to the modern media

Danish proposal:
Europe in a Global Context/ The impact of current trends/ changes on young Europeans.
(1) Facebook/ social networks/ communication/ surveillance (loss of privacy)
(2) unemployment/ financial crisis/ jobs/ outsourcing
(3) family structures/ housing changes – accommodation
(4) European identity/ behaviour and manners/ EU

The impact of social networks on young Europeans’ behavioural patterns.


Young Europeans dealing with different forms of addiction; their consequences and preventive strategies.
alcohol: excessive (binge) drinking/ drinking oneself into oblivion. NO ENTRA
(1) social networks and new technologies/ TV and the media
(2) sex (and contraception) => abortion. NO ENTRA
(3) drugs/ pharmaceuticals (pill popping) => mental disorders/ crime
(4) video games/ online games/ gaming and gambling
(5) shopping (shopaholic)

France – application: formalities
Germany – application: coordination of the various schools’ activities
all countries – lineout of school activities, send them to Jutta

Dear friends,
just for information!
Dates limites de candidature Partenariats scolaires : lundi 21 février 2011.
Best regards, Thierry


part 1: formalities (France)
part 2: summary of activities (Denmark)
part 3: objectives (Denmark)
part 4: activities (Germany)